The College Union, Mar Theophilus Training College (MTTC), renewed its functions in 1958. One of its first aims was to draft a Constitution for its operation in consultation with the faculty wing and the Board of Managing Council.
College union 2021-23
Mar Theophilus training college union election was held on 15 February 2022 as per the notification of kerala university. Dr.Joju John was nominated as the union advisor. Three representatives were selected from each class who were enlisted to vote for the union representatives.
Union representatives.
Chairperson: Aneesha. A
Vice chairperson: Aravind.M
General secretary: Gayathri A.R
UUC: Nithin Shaji.
Arts club secretary : shruthy Salin
Magazine editor: Austin Sajan
Sports secretary: Fr.Sujith Rajan
Lady representatives:Asha A.S & Sheryl Varghese.
Class representatives
Malayalam - Athira G V
English -Keerthi Gopi
Maths - Jeena Jayan
Social Science - Yamuna Sankar B
Physical Science - Anjunadh L
Natural Science - Arsha J P
Magazine sub editors
Anju Mariam Aji
Krishna U
Silpa Ramesh
M. Ed Representatives.
Merina Sabu - M.Ed rep
Annie R B - Magazine sub editor
Research scholars.
Soumya D E representative
Joby Thomas

Mission Statement
The council mainly aims to develop professional expertise for the student teachers through curriculum-related enrichment programs. It has to emphasize the social upliftment of the educationally backward sections of the society through extension programs. It will coordinate programs to empower student teachers, especially women, by developing integrated personalities, leadership qualities, and professionalism. The council will orient the student teachers to build self-confidence, a positive attitude, and a love for nature.
Aims of College Union
The College Union initially aims to be the voice for the students by representing matters concerning them.
To work in partnership with the teachers and college management in the spirit of our college’s mission statement, to promote student developments intellectual and personal.
Plan activities after consulting with the designated Staff Advisor to the College Union and the Principal.
Activities of College Union
The following is a list of activities that the current College Union would perform:
To be organizers of the college on formal occasions.
To assist college management on academic matters.
To coordinate Cultural, Arts, and Sports Fests.
To volunteer to help out teachers and college management when appropriate.
To implement possible activities to enhance opportunities for students.
To realize in Weekday Celebrations, Social Enlightening Programmes, and other Extension activities for Public in our college.
To review and offer opinions on college policies as requested.
To organize one fundraiser each year for the smooth functioning of the College Union.
To hold regular review meetings each term for Peer group Evaluation.
Student Meetings
The College Union plans to meet every second Friday of the month at the same venue. Also, the next meeting time is communicated beforehand at the end of the previous meeting. The PRO will post a notice of meeting one day before the due date. One-third of the members must be present for the meeting to take place. If the chairperson and vice-chairperson are unavailable, the secretary will chair the meeting. Two-thirds of the council must be present for any decision on a vote to be valid. Decisions for votes will be made orally by each member. If the decision is tied, the chairperson will have the casting vote.
Election for Members of the College Union
Elections for a new College Union will be held per the University Order every year. The outgoing College Union would assist the designated Staff Advisor in helping to elect a new council.
All optional classes will elect two representatives.
Students will nominate the representatives in their respective classes and write down their votes. The liaison teachers should ensure equal representation of every student in the College Union.
The elected Candidates from each optional will select their representatives for the designated positions in the College Union. The Staff Advisor will ensure openness in every undertaken procedure throughout the election process.
Officers of College Union
The Chairperson
The Vice-Chairperson
The General Secretary (Deemed Treasurer)
Councilor to The University Union
Editor of the College Magazine
Arts Club Secretary
Secretary of Sports
Lady Representatives
Class Representatives
Sub-Editors of the College Magazine
Clubs and Associations
We agree that Clubs and Associations selected under the college Union could undertake a specific task to complete or investigate on behalf of the whole group. The chairperson will decide on its terms of reference and the timeframe. All findings will be brought back to the College Union meeting and discussed before making any decisions.
Main Clubs Functioning in College
Reading and Oratory Club
Planning Forum
Health Club
Women's Cell
Population Club
Eco Club
Creative Club
ICT Club
Media Club
Psychology Club
Extension Wing
Popular Science Centre
Web 2.0 Lab
Associations Functioning in College
Association of English Education
Association of Malayalam Education
Association of Mathematics Education
Association of Physical Science Education
Association of Natural Science Education
Association of Social Science Education
Association of Post Graduate Wing
Association of Research Wing
Designated Staff Advisor
The principal will inform the College Union who the designated Staff Advisor is. Role of the Staff Advisor:
Helping to set up a College Union and draft this constitution.
Be a link between the College Union and management.
Give guidance for successful implementation of tasks taken over by the College Union.
Assist in the fair organization of elections for a new College Union and elections of officers.
If a treasurer is elected, they must record all income or expenditure in a special notebook. At the end of each academic year, they must report to the College Union. The College Union will decide when to raise the money and the purpose for its use. The general secretary will keep the College Union money on behalf of the Union.
If a College Union member misses two or more meetings without explanation, the chairperson will approach the person and ask them to attend the meetings. Otherwise, they have to resign their post. If a vacancy arises due to a resigning member from the Union, the designated teacher will have to arrange voting from the relevant class to elect a new class representative. If the candidate accepts, they will remain on College Union until the next election of the College Union.
Closing the College Union
The activities of the College Union are initiated with the Oath Taking ceremony and end with the coordination of College Day celebrations. The general secretary has to present the College Union report during the function and get it signed by the principal. All financial matters of the College Union will end with the release of the college magazine on the day of College Day celebrations. Even after the closing of the College Union officially, they are free to support the college activities related to the Extension Services, implemented by the college to the public.
Club Activities 2019-20
College Union Reports (2015-20)
The Kerala University First Statutes, 1977